How I run a small business as a minimalist


Back in November of last year, Peter and I launched Christine’s Cookie Co., our very own small business. It’s been a wild ride, one filled with many ups and downs, but the process has been a true labor of love. I’ve shared our journey since the beginning since this small business has been taking up a good chunk of my time, but I often get questions about how minimalism applies to my work.

Find the video above and summarized below if you’re interested in learning more about how I’ve applied simplicity and minimalist thinking to our small business, and a thank you to Idenati for sponsoring the video. Find more details at the bottom of this post about Idenati - it’s been a wonderful tool to minimize my digital space and help organize all my small business needs.

packaging boxes minimalist
cookies display minimalist
minimalist canopy cookie display

3 minimalist tips for small businesses

Minimalism and essentialist thinking can help you prioritize and focus on what’s most important, especially if you’re inundated with a large pile of tasks for your work or business. The following principles can be applied to your work or small business, but are often applied to your overall lifestyle as well if you’re seeking to simplify your life.

Saying no to non-essential activities

Running your own business can be chaotic and overwhelming, and there's a good chance that you'll need to wear multiple hats

When it comes to figuring out what to say no to, focus on your primary goal or vision to help determine what’s most important

Instead of mentally carrying the burden, organize tasks with your preferred tool to help with prioritization (such as Idenati)

Avoid impulse purchases

Don't let the emotions overtake your decision-making process, as you would with any purchase

It can be tempting to buy equipment and tools you think you may need, but stay lean - remember that more stuff also means more storage space, which costs more money so be resourceful with what you have

Do one thing and do it well

Sticking to one specific product or offering gives you more flexibility to hone in on your craft to improve and get better

Having one primary focus will allow you to excel quickly, so work with your strengths

eating cookies dining minimalist

About Idenati

Decluttering and minimalism can extend beyond the physical space into the digital, as it's easy to get sidetracked from priorities when you're on the internet. Idenati is the perfect information manager to organize everything you do online. Save your most visited websites, integrate notes and lists, your calendar, and more in your personal command center. Make your online space more intentional, and be sure to try our Idenati for free with the link here.