Starting a zero waste store

If you're new to this blog, I work at The Source Zero, a zero waste shop based in San Jose, California. I had previously shared a day in the life vlog of what it’s like to work at a zero waste store, and many of you loved coming along with Cooper and I as we went downtown, helping people get their refills and other sustainable goods! So I’m here with another video, sharing some updates and answering your questions alongside the owner of the shop, Ashley.

Click the video on the left to hear more about how Ashley started up this store, challenges faced as a small business, and how we’re holding up through the pandemic. A summary and more details can also be found below for your reference. I learned some things about the shop myself after listening to Ashley’s story and her aspirations, and I hope you find it just as inspirational. As I’m also hoping to open a small bakery, I know that it’s no easy feat operating a small business, especially one that holds to its values of local, low-waste, sustainable products - it’s amazing to see how far the shop has come in the past year!


Tips to start a zero waste store

Ashley has had a variety of careers, but her multiple passions led her to start The Source Zero. Here are a few things she’s learned along the way, along with some challenges to be aware of if you’re starting a small business or zero waste store.

Leverage local events, craft fairs, and farmers markets

Before committing to a retail space, you can gauge your community’s interest by selling goods at local events - it’s much more affordable but is still great for exposure

Harness the power of social media and the internet

Having a shop in a more densely populated area makes it easier to grow a customer base, but online sales is the way to go if you want to open in a less populated area

Consistency on social media is key

It’s ok to be selective with your employees

If you’re starting a zero waste shop, having like-minded employees is a must - look for people who are trying their best to also live zero waste

Balance local versus non-local products

If it’s not in your business’ budget, consider a mix of local and non-local goods that still meet your sustainability guidelines

Check out local maker fairs or host an artist call to find artisans in your area

Reducing plastic waste

Not all businesses that produce sustainable products think about their packaging - remember to ask questions, speak up and provide suggestions


How we’re doing through the pandemic

Many small businesses have been affected due to COVID-19, so it’s important to be flexible. In order to stay open, Ashley has transitioned to having our employees make in-house hand sanitizer with alcohol from a local lab, and continues to provide essential cleaning products for customers.

Sanitizing high touch areas

The Source Zero consistently cleans door knobs, digital devices, nozzles, and the refill bar as those are high touch areas

Only employees handle any refills - we allow customers to still bring in clean, empty containers

Read this article on how reusable containers are still safe for use through COVID-19

Wearing face masks

Face masks are required for all customers - we have some reusable ones for sale to help you reduce your waste

Customer limit

No more than three customers at a time on the shop floor to maintain safe social distancing


Connect with the source zero

Below are a few ways you can support our shop and next steps if you’re interested in starting a zero waste store in your local area!

Starting a zero waste shop?

Ashley offers consulting services and a wholesale catalog for other shops - contact her through the form here

Shop some of our favorites

Bestowed essentials bar soap

Dunnock and hinny bar soap

Cotton mesh drawstring bags

Organic cotton unpaper towels

Hemp facial rounds

Juniperseed mercantile vegan lip balm

Nudi goods lip balm

Primal well lip balm

Swedish dishcloth

Follow us

To stay updated with our journey, be sure to follow us on Instagram @thesourcezero