A minimalist workday


Though minimalism is often used to help us combat consumerism, I've gotten requests to share how minimalism has affected my work life. To be honest, I think any regular working day in my life may be quite similar to yours, however, I have taken steps towards simplifying my work life so that I have a healthier work-life balance, and while I don't think it stems entirely from my minimalist lifestyle, I suppose we can label my working style as simple and minimalist.

For those that have asked about what I do, I’m a freelancer. YouTube and this blog are my main sources of income, and while I used to hold a few part-time jobs, this is the first year I’m working completely on my own. I also run my organic cookie business and do zero-waste wedding consulting to diversify my income, so I keep myself busy!

I hope this day in the life video gives you the gentle reminder to find balance and prioritize your health over your work. We’re called to hustle and be productive, high-output individuals, but are very much in need of rest after working so hard. I learned this the hard way after experiencing anxiety as I hustled in my corporate job, which were some of the darkest years of my life. Life is so much more than our achievements and the money we make, isn’t it?

I’ve compiled a few of my go-to habits and tips to keep my work life healthy and balanced below. Also, a thank you to Grammarly for sponsoring this video - find more information and a discount link at the bottom of this post.


5 habits for a minimalist workday

Have you ever considered applying principles of minimalism to your workday to focus on doing less, but doing things better? Consider a few of these healthy habits gleaned from my minimalist workday video above if you need some inspiration to get started.

Develop a healthy morning routine

Having some sort of structure in the morning can help you get started with the day on the right foot

Consider journaling, setting intentions, exercising, etc. - do what makes you feel energized and prepared for the day

Keep moving

In addition to exercise, consider getting up and moving on a regular basis

Incorporating one 30 minute walk in the morning and one more in the evening is a great way to get steps in and take care of your body and health

You may find that you’re working more effectively after a workout or walk outside as well


Go with the flow

Not quite feeling like you’re able to work? Go with the flow and focus your energy on what you can

It can be a waste of mental energy when you reach any block during your work, so consider taking breaks, finding another productive activity or task to do, or going on a walk

Cook for more than one meal

Leftovers are the easiest way to keep meals healthy and minimal when you have a busy day - consider checking out this recipe for chickpea shakshuka as shown in the video

Hearty stews, curries, casseroles, and stir-fries all keep well for next day leftovers

Focus on only a few priorities each day

Be realistic with your to-do list each day - minimize and focus on 2-3 main priorities each workday to avoid burnout

Underestimate how effective you’ll be and block out longer chunks of time to get your priorities done - create a buffer for things like impromptu meetings, mental blocks, etc.

It’s all about doing less, but doing it well

minimalist workday bedroom desk

About Grammarly

Grammarly is a digital writing assistant that can be downloaded and added to your browser, offering suggestions on sites like Gmail if you're writing an important email. While the free version provides basic spelling and grammar checks, the premium version goes beyond to measure more in-depth writing feedback. Get vocabulary suggestions to use more effective wording, clarity feedback to write more concise, meaningful sentences, as well as tone detection, to ensure your messages are professional. You can sign up for a free Grammarly account here for 20% off Grammarly Premium today.