8 simple minimalist organization tips


Living a minimalist lifestyle helps keep your life simplified, and often, fewer things lead to a more organized home. However, even as a minimalist, it takes some effort to keep things in place, especially after a long day. So if you’re looking to keep your space simple, minimal, and organized, find eight organization tips in the video above and summarized below. Having an organized home shouldn’t be difficult as long as you take small, intentional steps to get there.

minimalist organization box

Minimalist organization tips

Find 8 simple organization tips and hacks to keep your space minimal and clean, from favorite tools to mindset shifts.

Make use of boxes and storage containers

It doesn't have to be anything fancy - use shoe boxes or clean corrugated shipping boxes to store and keep things categorized

If buying new, opt for storage bins made from all-natural materials such as cotton, natural fibers, or paper - check out the shop page here for some favorites

Leverage toilet paper rolls for loose cords and electronics

An easy eco-conscious hack to organize all your cables

Label them to also help you remember what cord is used for what

Consider color coordination

If you have many items (books, clothing, etc.) and aren't sure how to display or organize them, consider putting them in rainbow order or grouping them by color

Associating items with color and having them ordered that way often help us find things more efficiently

Roll and keep clothing neatly stacked

Rolling or folding clothing in a way that allows it to be stacked neatly in drawers will make it much easier to find items

Marie Kondo has some great video tutorials on her YouTube channel - find them with the link here


Consider open shelving or treat your closets as open shelves

Open shelving helps keep our things in check - do your best to keep those shelves from becoming a catch-all surface

Even if you don't have open shelving, act as if your closets and cabinets were also on display or wide open, and be wary of how much clutter builds up in them

Continue to take inventory to keep things organized and to a minimum, before the mess becomes too much to handle

Consider using jars or ceramics for counter storage

Have a few intentionally placed jars or ceramics on your countertops with your most-used cooking utensils our cleaning tools

Keep the tools or appliances you don't use as frequently in drawers and cabinets

Declutter regularly

Take a few hours every year to declutter areas throughout your home to help keep things organized and in check

Consider watching or reading some additional posts for more inspiration and guidance on decluttering - declutter my home with me or declutter my kitchen with me

Do a 5 minute clean up

To avoid large messes that seem impossible to clean, be consistent with small but regular cleaning throughout your home

For example, take a few minutes to wipe surfaces here and there to prevent buildup that is more difficult to clean in the long run

Cleaning can be manageable when we do it regularly and incorporate it in small doses throughout our routines

minimalist organization kitchen